Greeny and his worst birthday and more stories.....

Jaden in her 4th grade class wrote amazing stories on www.storybird.com. You can purchase or email stories to friends and families. Great creativity!
Here are her stories:
Here are her stories:
The tree that grew above the clouds by Stephanie Yanovitz http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/885666

The tree that grew above the clouds is a story that began after her daughter Jaden thought it would be neat if a tree could grow tall enough to poke a hole in the sky. The story is about a tree that is curious and determined to have a look for itself. The tree patiently waits throughout the changing seasons; it even pushes its friends (flowers and other trees) away a little to get there. Once the tree reaches the stars it realizes it can’t share them with the other trees and flowers, so the tree gets a little help from its friends to come back so they can enjoy the night sky together. A great read aloud bedtime story. A great story about nature, from the ground on up. A story that helps us all learn that patience and determination can take us places but with help from around us so the things we want to see and do can be reached. Once reached the story reminds us of the importance of being able to share the rewards. Preview the entire book here: http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/885666# .
When Land Meets the Sea by Cathy Harville

Cathy Harville, a life-long resident of the Chesapeake Bay area, Cathy Harville has always had a love for nature. In the past several years, she embarked on a mission to paint our earth's land and sea, often from a unique viewpoint - her kayak. It was during a kayaking trip that Cathy realized most of her "seascapes" showed the interaction of land and water. Thus, the idea for this book was born.
Preview the book here: http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/1314524
Preview the book here: http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/1314524
Summer Reading Club - Poetry Contest
In the Fall of 2009 Jaden entered a poetry contest with the local library. She wrote a poem about our then hamster Rhino. Rhino has since been adopted by Gabrielle's kindergarten class and renamed, "Meatball". He now has a larger habitat and a summer home.
We plan to sign up for the summer reading club again.
big, long
chewing, sleeping, escaping
grapes, oats, carrots, lettuce
gnawling, picky, riding on his wheel
sweet, shy
submitted by: Jaden Yanovitz, Age 6
AND THEN.......
Good morning Stephanie and Jaden,
Have you checked the Annapolis Library Poetry contest blog lately? If not I'm happy to inform you that your poem "Hamster" came in FIRST in The Youth 1 Category! Congratulations! The winning poems will be on display in the library next week, so I hope you will stop by and take a look. Your poem will also be published in the Fall issue of Library Happenings!!
Thanks for taking the time to enter your poem iin our contest - we enjoyed reading all the poems!
Don't forget to sign up for the Summer Reading Club later in June! Happy writing...
Rhyme or Reason
We plan to sign up for the summer reading club again.
big, long
chewing, sleeping, escaping
grapes, oats, carrots, lettuce
gnawling, picky, riding on his wheel
sweet, shy
submitted by: Jaden Yanovitz, Age 6
AND THEN.......
Good morning Stephanie and Jaden,
Have you checked the Annapolis Library Poetry contest blog lately? If not I'm happy to inform you that your poem "Hamster" came in FIRST in The Youth 1 Category! Congratulations! The winning poems will be on display in the library next week, so I hope you will stop by and take a look. Your poem will also be published in the Fall issue of Library Happenings!!
Thanks for taking the time to enter your poem iin our contest - we enjoyed reading all the poems!
Don't forget to sign up for the Summer Reading Club later in June! Happy writing...
Rhyme or Reason